Warning Registration Notice Instructions Introduction Help Too Matchups0 Step-by-Step Instructions for Selecting Matchups" SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ABOUT THE BET Updates Special Instructions Registration Form Teams Customer Comments Offensive Strength Defensive Strength Store Team "A" Team "B" Team "A" Offensive Strength Team "B" Offensive Strength Team "A" Defensive Strength Team "B" Defensive Strength Team "A" Predicted Score Team "B" Predicted Score Team "B" Actual Score Winner Update Strength Ratings Team "A" Actual Score Spread Choose This Week's Matchups Update Last Week's Scores Go Back to Matchup Clear All Team "A" Favored By Team "B" Favored By General Instructions Back to the Introduction Screen+ Just Kidding . . . Click Here for More Info Special Instructions Return to Updates# SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ABOUT THE BET! Team "A" Updated Team "B" Updated Team "B" Intangible Points Team "A" Intangible Points Step-by-Step Continue Shake On It! this button Post Office Box Street Address State Zip Code PRINT Visa # MasterCard # Warning Acknowledged Georgia Georgia Tech Trial Period Shareware Source Customer ProblemsB Improvements 1$ Print Registration Form and Comments@ Improvements 2@ Improvements 3A Improvements 4 COMMENTS MS Sans Serif Courier Times New Roman Times New Roman Arial Arial Wingdings Symbol Courier New Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Arial Arial Times New Roman Times New Roman( Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Courier New Symbol Courier New Courier New Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Wingdings Times New Roman Courier New Arial Times New Roman Arial Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Arial Courier New Symbol Wingdings Times New Roman Times New Roman WARNING!e please do nots Unregistered Version If you received this program from any source other than the author, risk your money on the recommendations of this system. If you do so you may be relying on faulty information in the database from which the system's recommendations are made. To be sure you have up-to-date information you must either 1) register this program with the author or 2) download the updated database from the Hub Network serving WINNER$ from 7 regional locations in the US and Canada.0 Click Here With Mouse ---> Press Space Bar This program uses the OVEXTRAS dynamic link library, Copyright 1992 R. Scott McKinney8 Second Banana Software PO Box 550263 Atlanta, GA 303559 1992 RESULTS! WINNERS: 78 (71%) Losers: 32 NO Bets: 114 Contact the author for unlimited support through CompuServe User ID # 71175,1552 wnrshand.ovg Winner$ Copyright 1991 Second Banana Software ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Winner$ is a TRY BEFORE YOU BUY shareware product. You are encouraged to make copies of this computer system and give them to others for their evaluation (please make a copy of WINNER$.EXE and pass it on). If you decide to use the software for your own purposes, you must pay a registration fee (click on "Register" above) of twenty [$20] dollars to the author: Your registration fee entitles you to use the program on a single computer and to make as many copies of the unregistered software as you wish for distribution. You may also make copies of your registered version for backup purposes. THIS IS THE 1992 EDITION. Upon payment of your registration fee you will receive: 1) a disk with the current year's version of the software (without this annoying screen) 2) free upgrades and each new year's version for half price 3) the updated team strength formulas required for the season's recommended bets . . . PLUS . . . 4) the current year's version of College Winner$ There is no separate written manual for this system. If you're like me (the author), you'd never read it anyway; I'd rather save the trees. Everything you need to know is built into the program, either in comments on the screens or in context-sensitive Help screens attached to each field. If you read all those Help screens (at least as you go along), you'll receive step-by-step instructions for using Winner$. If you ever feel lost, click on the "Help" menu item above and start over. Your first step, though, is to navigate your way to the Introduction screen (or back to it, if that's where you just came from). So, click on (you can use your spacebar) and you will be taken there by computer magic. You will see a "General Instructions" button on the Introduction screen. Start there and follow the directions.! Second Banana Software` presents 1992 NFL Winner$\ America's best pro football handicapping system! Now you can play with the big boys of sports betting, or just have fun . . . with state of the art forecasting technology. Winner$ gives you everything you need to play all the pro games every week -- at your fingertips -- with the click of a button or stroke of a key." Member Association of Shareware Professionalsg This program has context-sensitive help. That means if you don't understand something on the screen, you can get help by going to the field you don't understand and pressing the [F1] key. Close any Help screen by pressing [Esc]. To "go to" a field press your [Tab] key until you see the field highlighted with a border around it. For example, look at the button at the bottom of this screen. Fields don't always have box lines around them or look like buttons. Your [Tab] key will identify all the fields that have Help available. [Tab] takes you in one direction. [Shift] [Tab] takes you in the other. You can go to some fields by clicking on them with a mouse. Don't try that with buttons, though, because your click will activate the button. You don't need a mouse to operate this program easily. You might find it easier to work with your keyboard. Pressing the [Space] bar does the same thing as clicking a mouse. NOTE: Winner$ draws from a large database to perform its functions. You might find, therefore that your screen is slow to react to some commands. If you don't see a response immediately, be patient. Re-clicking or banging on the keyboard is likely to be a waste of time and energy. There are three main screens in Winner$. One is the Introduction. The second one allows you to choose matchups for the coming week. The last screen is where you record the actual scores for last week. The "context-sensitive" help for all the fields or buttons in these screens will give you more detailed explanations and instructions. Review all these Help screens before starting! Good luck! Have fun! . . . a little joke! If you don't understand something on the screen, you can get help by going to the field you don't understand and pressing the [F1] key. You can close Help screens by pressing [Esc]. To "go to" a field press your [Tab] key until you see the field highlighted with a border around it. For example, look at the button at the bottom of this screen. Fields don't always have box lines around them or look like buttons, however. Your [Tab] key will identify all the fields that have Help available. [Tab] takes you in one direction. [Shift] [Tab] takes you in the other. Don't use the [Enter] key, unless you are entering data. Wierd things will happen! You can go to some fields by clicking on them with a mouse. Don't try that with buttons, though, because your click will activate the button. You don't need a mouse to operate this program easily. Pressing the [Space] bar does the same thing as clicking a mouse. NOTE: If you find that your screen is slow to react to some commands, be patient. Re-clicking or banging on the keyboard is likely to be a waste of time and energy. Help for all the fields or buttons in these screens will give you more detailed explanations and instructions. Review all these Help screens before starting! Good luck! Have fun! No more struggling through volumes of statistics and bad advice. Just pick the teams you want to play this week. Winner$ automatically does the rest -- predicting the winner and recommending the bet. Team' Points Favored Points Favored Intangible Points Winner! Intangible Points Advantages: Home Field, Emotional, Etc. Advantages: Home Field, Emotional, Etc. Bet:d For Best Results on the Matchups Screen: Do Not Use a Mouse -- Use the Keyboard Step #1: Select a team from the drop down list in the left hand "Team" box. Step #2: Select a team from the drop down list in the right hand "Team" box. Step #3: Enter the number of points by which the favorite team is favored. If the point spread is even (a pick 'em game), don't enter anything in the "Points Favored" fields. Step #4: Enter the number of intangible points, if any, you want to assign to either team. Note: When Steps #1 through #4 are complete, the banner at the top of the screen will change from "Matchups [Goal]" to "Matchups [Complete]"; the winner's name will be displayed, and the bet will be recommended. This system operates on a contrary opinion theory. The recommended bet might reflect the opposite prediction of the betting public or the system itself. Although this may be confusing to many users, a precedent for the method can be found in the stock market. It's called the "odd lot theory." If you want to know more about it, ask a stockbroker. Extensive testing has proven its validity in this case, so just go with it! If you have paid your registration fee so that you have the updated team strength formulas in your program code and want to make money, bet the recommendation. The author does not intend to encourage, promote, or condone illegal gambling. Although we are proud of Winner$' track record, it does not indicate future performance. Neither Second Banana Software nor its principals can be held responsibile for a user's results with the Winner$ system. Input each week's actual scores here to update the teams' strength ratings. CAUTION! DO NOT use this screen to "play with" or "test" the system. Input ONLY actual scores. If incorrect scores are entered and you press the "Update Strength Ratings" button, your database will be corrupted. Team& <---- Click Here ---->{ <---- Actual Score ---->b Team Strength Updated? Team Strength Updated? Special Instructions come with your Registered Copy/ The posting of last week's scores is the most important activity in this system. It is a vital function to properly update each team's strength rating and maintain the ability to predict next week's winners and recommend bets. These instructions should help you perform this task in the easiest and most accurate manner: 1. Monday's USA Today has a comprehensive, easy-to-read recap of the week's scores. The score for the Monday Night Game is easy enough to find for most people. 2. Don't jump around (picking teams you are most interested in first, for example) when posting scores. Go down the list of the scores in the order they are listed in the publication you are using. Choose teams from the selection box by searching with an alphabetical keystroke. 3. Be careful not to update a team's strength rating more than once. This will result in an inflated rating for one team and a deflated rating for its opponent. 4. There is an alternative to making this update manually. You may download the updated team strength ratings weekly from any of seven regional services in the WINNER$ Hub Network. To: Second Banana Software / PO Box 550263 / Atlanta, GA 30355 Yes, I would prefer to pay a measly $20 registration fee so that I have good formulas in my Winner$ system. I realize this fee represents merely the price of two or three six packs (quality suds), and I might just trash the money, anyway, on trivial pursuits. This way, my conscience is clear, and my system is clean. In any case, here it is. Now, send me my stuff! #### #### #### #### Exp ##/## #### #### #### #### Exp ##/## If paying by credit card, include your: OK, Mr. SmartyPants, you owe me: 1) this year's disk with current formulas 2) any upgrades for free 3) all future years' versions for 1/2 price 4) this year's version of College Winner$ ASP93 Your comments would be appreciated.L I received this program from: (how long?)[ I evaluated the program for before registering. I found it MOST difficult to: Improvements I would like to see: There are 28 teams in a drop down list for this field. The list covers all the NFL members, giving you 14 potential matchups weekly. To select from the list: When you see the Team field highlighted, type the first letter of the club's name (in either lower or upper case). A selection list of six teams will appear, and your cursor will be on the first team in the letter of the alphabet you selected. You can then scroll down to the team you want with your arrow key, if necessary. The teams are listed in alphabetical order. END Green Bay Packers There are 28 teams in a drop down list for this field. The list covers all the NFL members, giving you 14 potential matchups weekly. To select from the list: When you see the Team field highlighted, type the first letter of the club's name (in either lower or upper case). A selection list of six teams will appear, and your cursor will be on the first team in the letter of the alphabet you selected. You can then scroll down to the team you want with your arrow key, if necessary. The teams are listed in alphabetical order. END Houston Oilers "Offensive Strength" is a measure of a team's offensive power. It is the result of a formula developed by the author of this program and held secret. It may change from week to week, depending on the success of the team. END "Offensive Strength" is a measure of a team's offensive power. It is the result of a formula developed by the author of this program and held secret. It may change from week to week, depending on the success of the team. END "Defensive Strength" is a measure of a team's Defensive power. It is the result of a formula developed by the author of this program and held secret. It may change from week to week, depending on the success of the team. END "Defensive Strength" is a measure of a team's Defensive power. It is the result of a formula developed by the author of this program and held secret. It may change from week to week, depending on the success of the team. END The Predicted Score is the number of points the team in the field above should score in the coming week's game, based on the Winner$ offensive and defensive strength factors. When you have selected two of the 195 available teams from the drop down lists a predicted score will pop up in this field. The prediction is the result of a formula developed by the author of this program. Like Colonel Sanders, he keeps the ingredients a secret. The system does not allow you to make an entry in this field or change the number that pops up. END The Predicted Score is the number of points the team in the field above should score in the coming week's game, based on the Winner$ offensive and defensive strength factors. When you have selected two of the 195 available teams from the drop down lists a predicted score will pop up in this field. The prediction is the result of a formula developed by the author of this program. Like Colonel Sanders, he keeps the ingredients a secret. The system does not allow you to make an entry in this field or change the number that pops up. END ***** You do not have to create or bet on every possible matchup among all the teams in the system. However you do have to update all their scores! ***** Last week's actual score for this team goes here. Winner$ uses the result of this matchup to update the strength ratings so that next week's winners and recommended bets can accurately be predicted. If you are an East Coast player, you should check Monday's publications for West Coast late scores. Don't forget, either, to record the score of the Monday Night Game or any other special weeknight game. There is an alternative to making this update manually. You can download the updates from the WINNER$ Hub Network weekly. Special instructions for doing this will be mailed to you with your registered copy of Winner$. END Tie!) This is the winner of the above matchup, as determined by the Winner$ system. Winner$ will sometimes predict a tie, and "Tie!" will appear in this field. Although a team is predicted to win the game, it may not be predicted to beat the spread. END NO UPDATES NECESSARY! NO UPDATES NECESSARY! NO UPDATES NECESSARY! NO UPDATES NECESSARY! UPDATED TEAM B! UPDATED TEAM A! Visitor Home Team Visitor Home Team UPDATED TEAM A! UPDATED TEAM B! Home Team Visitor Home Team Visitor UPDATED TEAM B! UPDATED TEAM A! Visitor Home Team Visitor Home Team UPDATED TEAM A! UPDATED TEAM B! Home Team Visitor Home Team Visitor UPDATED TEAM B! UPDATED TEAM A! Visitor Home Team Visitor Home Team UPDATED TEAM A! UPDATED TEAM B! Home Team Visitor Home Team Visitor UPDATED TEAM B! UPDATED TEAM A! Visitor Home Team UPDATED TEAM A! UPDATED TEAM B! Home Team Visitor This is the most important button you will push. Follow these instructions exactly: 1) Select the opposing teams in the "Team" fields above. 2) Enter the actual scores of each of these teams for last week. 3) Click on this button with your mouse or press the spacebar, if the button has a border around it. The system will then review the score and do one of the following: A) Make no updates B) Update Offensive and/or Defensive Strength by adding or subtracting points If no updates are made, you will notice little change in the screen, except that it will automatically be cleared after a message is displayed to let you know that no updates were necessay. If there are updates, you may hear the disk drive of your computer whirring and see the message that each team's strength rating has been updated. The screen will then be cleared.. When the screen is cleared, the update process is over; you should then input the next matchup. You do not need to save the program when you exit Winner$, even if your Windows system asks you if you want to save it. Each of your updates will be saved when you press this button -- nor further saving is necessary. END ***** You do not have to create or bet on every possible matchup among all the teams in the system. However you do have to update all their scores! ***** Last week's actual score for this team goes here. Winner$ uses the result of this matchup to update the strength ratings so that next week's winners and recommended bets can accurately be predicted. If you are an East Coast player, you should check Monday's publications for West Coast late scores. Don't forget, either, to record the score of the Monday Night Game or any other special weeknight game. There is an alternative to making this update manually. You can download the updates from the WINNER$ Hub Network weekly. Special instructions for doing this will be mailed to you with your registered copy of Winner$. END This is the "spread" by which the winning team is predicted to win. It is the difference in the two predicted scores. END Introduction Matchups "Matchups" are the matching of opposing teams that will be playing in the coming week. Click this button to go to the screen where you will select combinations of opposing teams that play in the coming week and that you might want to bet on. END Introduction Help Too Updates @FORMSETSTATUS "Last Week's Scores" are the scores you usually see in the newspaper on Monday morning. Click on this button to go to the screen where you can enter the scores of each game for last week. The record of these scores will be stored and used to update each team's strength ratings. END Updates Matchups This button takes you back to the Matchups screen. END This button clears the screen of all entries in their respective fields. END "Points Favored" is the number of points the above team is favored by the odds makers. This number of points favored is normally referred to as a betting "line" or "spread." You will usually find this number in the sports pages of the newspaper, but betting lines are published in many other publications throughout each week. Book makers, or "bookies," also have this information. You should use the line that is published as close to game time as possible. When you have that number, enter it in this field. There must be a number entered here, or in this same field for the opposition, for the system to accurately recommend a bet. The exception would be when the matchup is rated as a "pickem" by the odds makers. Of course, only one team can be favored. Therefore, you may find that the opposing team is the favorite. If that is the case, no number would go in this field. END "Points Favored" is the number of points the above team is favored by the odds makers. This number of points favored is normally referred to as a betting "line" or "spread." You will usually find this number in the sports pages of the newspaper, but betting lines are published in many other publications throughout each week. Book makers, or "bookies," also have this information. You should use the line that is published as close to game time as possible. When you have that number, enter it in this field. There must be a number entered here, or in this same field for the opposition, for the system to accurately recommend a bet. The exception would be when the matchup is rated as a "pickem" by the odds makers. Of course, only one team can be favored. Therefore, you may find that the opposing team is the favorite. If that is the case, no number would go in this field. END Tie! = You will be advised here which team to bet on, if any. If a team's name pops into this field, the system would be predicting that team to either win by a greater or lose by a lesser margin than is expected by the odds makers. Not all predictions will generate a recommended bet. You will find that the system sometimes recommends betting on the underdog; at other times the heavy favorite will be recommended as a safe bet. Other times there will be no recommendation; in which case a "No!" will appear. The recommended bet is the result of a formula developed by the author and held secret. END Introduction Matchups Updates Press this button to get a general overview of the system and broad instructions about how to operate it. END Help Too Introduction Some things just don't seem to require help. However, there is a Help screen for every field or button in the Winner$ system. END Help Too Just Kidding . . . Click Here for More Info! END Special Instructions The importance of posting scores and updating strength ratings is emphasized in a separate screen. This button will take you there. The special instructions give you some tips for posting scores and updating strength ratings in the easiest and most accurate manner. Among the help in this Help text and that for the "Update Strength Ratings" button, as well as the Special Instructions, we have tried to cover everything you need to know to perform this most important function. END Special Instructions Updates @FORMSETSTATUS This button takes you back to the Updates screen. END SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ABOUT THE BET Press this button to find out a little bit more about the betting theory. END SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ABOUT THE BET @FORMSETSTATUS Click on this button to go back to the Matchups screen. END After you press the "Update Strength Ratings" button, a message will be briefly displayed here to let you know the status of the update. END After you press the "Update Strength Ratings" button, a message will be briefly displayed here to let you know the status of the update. END Enter the number of points, if any, you want to assign to the above team to compensate for intangibles. For example, you might think that a home field advantage is worth three points; key injuries might cause you to assign some advantage points to the opposing team. Or, you could just "have a feeling about this game" that leads you to assign advantage points here. WARNING!: Use this field sparingly, especially if you "just have a feeling" about the game. Home field advantage often means nothing. And injuries are sometimes a blessing. In any case, the collective knowledge and opinions of millions of gamblers about these factors are already reflected in the point spread. Just remember that if you assign intangible points, you must take responsibility for your own actions. NOTE: The published Winner$ record was achieved without ever adding or subtracting Intangible Points. END Enter the number of points, if any, you want to assign to the above team to compensate for intangibles. For example, you might think that a home field advantage is worth three points; key injuries might cause you to assign some advantage points to the opposing team. Or, you could just "have a feeling about this game" that leads you to assign advantage points here. WARNING!: Use this field sparingly, especially if you "just have a feeling" about the game. Home field advantage often means nothing. And injuries are sometimes a blessing. In any case, the collective knowledge and opinions of millions of gamblers about these factors are already reflected in the point spread. Just remember that if you assign intangible points, you must take responsibility for your own actions. NOTE: The published Winner$ record was achieved without ever adding or subtracting Intangible Points. END Step-by-Step Instructions for Selecting Matchups Click this button to get step-by-step instructions for this screen. END Step-by-Step Instructions for Selecting Matchups Click this button to go back to the Matchups screen. END Registration Notice Instructions Press your space bar to proceed. END Instructions Registration Notice Introduction Press your space bar to proceed. END Enter your name here. END Enter your PO Box here. END Enter your street address here. END Enter your city here. END Enter your state here. END Enter your zip code here. END Registration Form Registration Form Introduction Press this button to print the form. END If you are paying with a Visa card, enter the number and expiration date here. The numbers you enter will be automatically spaced for you as you enter them. END If you are paying with a MasterCard, enter the number and expiration date here. The numbers you enter will be automatically spaced for you as you enter them. END Warning Registration Notice Press your space bar to proceed. END Tell us how long you evaluated the program before registering it e.g., 6 months, two days, etc. END Check the box that indicates the source from which you received this program. If none of the designated selections apply, check the last box (with the line beside it) and fill in the "other" source. END a friend a shareware disk vendor local BBS CompuServe Prodigy GEnie Magazine ______________________ Other ______________________ Check the box for the thing you have had the most trouble with while acquiring or using the system. END install understand instructions read the screens maneuver through the system find help download Use the space to make suggestions for: -- adding features to the system -- changing the way the system works -- making it easier to use -- any other thing that comes to mind OR -- general criticism END Registration Form Customer Comments Registration Form Customer Comments Introduction Press this button to print out the Registration Form and your Comments. They will print successively. Make sure that your print setup is correctly set. END Use the space to make suggestions for: -- adding features to the system -- changing the way the system works -- making it easier to use -- any other thing that comes to mind OR -- general criticism END Use the space to make suggestions for: -- adding features to the system -- changing the way the system works -- making it easier to use -- any other thing that comes to mind OR -- general criticism END Use the space to make suggestions for: -- adding features to the system -- changing the way the system works -- making it easier to use -- any other thing that comes to mind OR -- general criticism END Registration Form Customer Comments Customer Comments This button will take you to a screen wherein you might make comments and/or criticisms of the program to be printed out and mailed in with your registration. We are constantly trying to improve Winner$, and your help in this regard would be very much appreciated. END @FORMSETSTATUS &Help &Register &Help &Instructions &Register &Registration Form @FORMSETSTATUS @FORMSETSTATUS @FORMSETSTATUS @FORMSETSTATUS @FORMSETSTATUS @FORMSETSTATUS @FORMSETSTATUS @FORMSETSTATUS @FORMSETSTATUS @FORMSETSTATUS @FORMSETSTATUS &Registration Form Registration Notice Instructions Introduction Help Too Matchups Step-by-Step Instructions for Selecting Matchups SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ABOUT THE BET Updates Special Instructions Registration Form &InstructionsB Registration Notice Introduction Instructions 1992 NFL Winner$ &Edit Vie&w Fiel&d Fo&rm &Help @OVEXTRAS ovextras.dll SelfRegister @OVEXTRAS Home Team PROTEAMS Offensive Strength Defensive Strength Visitor PROTEAMS Offensive Strength Defensive Strength PROTEAMS Offensive Strength Defensive Strength